No. |
Achieved |
Goals |
Comments |
1 |
Nile River |
2 |
Amazon River |
3 |
Congo River |
4 |
Colorado River |
5 |
Yangtze River, China |
6 |
Niger River |
7 |
Orinoco River, Venezuela |
8 |
Rio Coco, Nicaragua |
9 |
The Congo |
10 |
New Guinea |
11 |
Brazil |
12 |
Borneo |
13 |
The Sudan |
14 |
Australia |
15 |
Kenya |
16 |
The Philippines |
17 |
Tanzania |
18 |
Ethiopia |
19 |
Nigeria |
20 |
Alaska |
21 |
Mt. Everest |
22 |
Mt. Aconcagua, Argentina |
23 |
Mt. McKinley |
24 |
Mt. Huascaran, Peru |
25 |
Mt. Kilimanjaro |
26 |
Mt. Ararat, Turkey |
27 |
Mt. Kenya |
28 |
Mt. Cook, New Zealand |
29 |
Mt. Popocatepetl, Mexico |
30 |
The Matterhorn |
31 |
Mt. Rainier |
32 |
Mt. Fuji |
33 |
Mt. Vesuvius |
34 |
Mt. Bromo, Java |
35 |
Grand Tetons |
36 |
Mt. Baldy, California |
37 |
Carry out careers in medicine and exploration |
(studied premed, treats illnesses among
primitive tribes) |
38 |
Visit every country in the world |
(30 to go) |
39 |
Study Navaho and Hopi Indians |
40 |
Learn to fly a plane |
41 |
Ride horse in Rose Parade |
42 |
Iguacu Falls, Brazil |
43 |
Victoria Falls, Rhodesia |
(Chased by a warthog in the process) |
44 |
Sutherland Falls, New Zealand |
45 |
Yosemite Falls |
46 |
Niagara Falls |
47 |
Retrace travels of Marco Polo and Alexander the
Great |
48 |
Coral reefs of Florida |
49 |
Great Barrier Reef, Australia |
(photographed a 300-pound clam) |
50 |
Red Sea |
51 |
Fiji Islands |
52 |
The Bahamas |
53 |
Explore Okefenokee Swamp and the Everglades |
54 |
North and South Poles |
55 |
Great Wall of China |
56 |
Panama and Suez Canals |
57 |
Easter Island |
58 |
The Galapagos Islands |
59 |
Vatican City |
60 |
The Taj Mahal |
61 |
The Eiffel Tower |
62 |
The Blue Grotto |
63 |
The Tower of London |
64 |
The Leaning Tower of Pisa |
65 |
The Sacred Well of Chichen-Itza, Mexico |
66 |
Climb Ayers Rock in Australia |
67 |
Follow River Jordan from Sea of Galilee to Dead
Sea |
68 |
Lake Victoria |
69 |
Lake Superior |
70 |
Lake Tanganyika |
71 |
Lake Titicaca, S. America |
72 |
Lake Nicaragua |
73 |
Become an Eagle Scout |
74 |
Dive in a submarine |
75 |
Land on and take off from an aircraft carrier |
76 |
Fly in a blimp, balloon and glider |
77 |
Ride an elephant, camel, ostrich and bronco |
78 |
Skin dive to 40 feet and hold breath two and a
half minutes underwater |
79 |
Catch a ten-pound lobster and a ten-inch abalone |
80 |
Play flute and violin |
81 |
Type 50 words a minute |
82 |
Make a parachute jump |
83 |
Learn water and snow skiing |
84 |
Go on a church mission |
85 |
Follow the John Muir trail |
86 |
Study native medicines and bring back useful
ones |
87 |
Bag camera trophies of elephant, lion, rhino,
cheetah, cape buffalo and whale |
88 |
Learn to fence |
89 |
Learn jujitsu |
90 |
Teach a college course |
91 |
Watch a cremation ceremony in Bali |
92 |
Explore depths of the sea |
93 |
Appear in a Tarzan movie |
94 |
Own a horse, chimpanzee, cheetah, ocelot, and
coyote |
(yet to own a chimp or cheetah) |
95 |
Become a ham radio operator |
96 |
Build own telescope |
97 |
Write a book |
(About his Nile trip) |
98 |
Publish an article in National Geographic
Magazine |
99 |
High jump five feet |
100 |
Broad jump 15 feet |
101 |
Run mile in five minutes |
102 |
Weigh 175 pounds stripped |
(he still does) |
103 |
Perform 200 sit-ups and 20 pull-ups |
104 |
Learn French, Spanish and Arabic |
105 |
Study dragon lizards on Komodo Island |
(Boat broke down within 20 miles of island) |
106 |
Visit birthplace of Grandfather Sorenson in
Denmark |
107 |
Visit birthplace of Grandfather Goddard in
England |
108 |
Ship aboard a freighter as a seaman |
109 |
Read the entire Encyclopedia Britannica |
(Has read extensive parts in each volume) |
110 |
Read the Bible from cover to cover |
111 |
Read the works of Shakespeare, Plato, Aristotle,
Dickens, Thoreau, Rousseau, Conrad, Hemingway, Twain, Burroughs,
Talmage, Tolstoi, Longfellow, Keats, Poe, Bacon, Whittier, and
Emerson |
(not every work of each) |
112 |
Become familiar with the compositions of Bach,
Beethoven, Debussy, Ibert, Mendelssohn, Lalo, Liszt, Rimski-Korsakov,
Respighi, Rachmaninoff, Paganini, Stravinsky, Toch, Tschaikosvsky,
Verdi |
113 |
Become proficient in the use of a plane,
motorcycle, tractor, surfboard, rifle, pistol, canoe, microscope,
football, basketball, bow and arrow, lariat and boomerang |
114 |
Compose music |
115 |
Play Clair de Lune on the piano |
116 |
Watch fire-walking ceremony |
(In Bali and Surinam) |
117 |
Milk a poisonous snake |
(bitten by diamondback during photo session) |
118 |
Light a match with .22 rifle |
119 |
Visit a movie studio |
120 |
Climb Cheops' pyramid |
121 |
Become a member of the Explorer's Club and the
Adventure's Club |
122 |
Learn to play polo |
123 |
Travel through the Grand Canyon on foot and by
boat |
124 |
Circumnavigate the globe |
(four times) |
125 |
Visit the moon |
("Someday, if God wills") |
126 |
Marry and have children |
(has six children) |
127 |
Live to see the 21st century |